Dr. Kelley C. Barsanti
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Environmental Science & Engineering, Oregon Health & Science University, 2006
M.S., Environmental Science & Engineering, Oregon Health & Science University, 2001
B.A., Environmental Biology and Environmental Studies, CU Boulder, 1996
Undergraduate Courses
Engineering Modeling and Analysis (ENGR 118) (Fall 2015/2016/2017/2018)
Analytical Chemistry for Engineers (CEE 125) (Winter 2016/2017)
Fate and Transport of Environmental Contaminants (ENVE 134) (Winter 2018/2019)
Technology of Air Pollution Control (ENVE 135) (Spring 2017/2018)
Graduate Courses
- Advanced Air Pollution Control and Engineering (CEE 233) (Spring 2019)
Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Center for Environmental Research & Technology (CE - CERT)
Kelley Barsanti received her Ph.D. in Environmental Science & Engineering from the OGI School of Science & Engineering. She then served as an Advanced Study Program Postdoctoral Fellow at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. Dr. Barsanti’s research focuses on the development of mechanistic models for the prediction of atmospheric particulate matter (“aerosols”). Her primary research tools include comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography and process-level models to elucidate chemical and physical transformations of organic compounds as they evolve from gaseous emissions to particle constituents. Current research projects include improving speciation of organic compounds in emissions inventories for biomass burning and other combustion sources; improving model representation of secondary organic aerosol in biomass burning plumes; and developing models of new particle formation.
Ten UC Riverside Professors Receive NSF CAREER Award
U.S. EPA awards $40,000 to UC Riverside for innovative technology project
Google Scholar Citations Report
Peer Reviewed Publications
Rao, U., Posmanik, R., Hatch, L. E., Tester, J. W., Walker, S. L., Barsanti, K. C., Jassby, D. Coupling Hydrothermal Liquefaction and Membrane Distillation to treat Anaerobic Digestate from Food and Dairy Farm Waste. Bioresource Technology, 2018.
Chen, H., Chee, S., Lawler, M. J., Barsanti, K. C., Wong, B. M., Smith, J. N. Size Resolved Chemical Composition of Nanoparticles from Reactions of Sulfuric Acid with Ammonia and Dimethylamine. Aerosol Science & Technology, 2018.
- Jen, C. N., Liang, L., Hatch, L., Kreisberg, N. M., Stamatis, C., Kristensen, K., Battles, J. J., Stephens, S., York, R. A., Barsanti, K. C., Goldstein, A. H. High Hydroquinone Emission from Burning Manzanita. Environmental Science & Technology, 2018.
Korzun, T.,Lazurko, M., Munhenzva, I., Barsanti, K. C., Huang, Y., Jensen, R. P., Escobedo, J. O., Luo, W., Peyton, D. H., Strongin, R. M. E-Cigarette Airflow Rate Modulates Toxicant Profiles and Can Lead to Concerning Levels of Solvent Consumption, ACS Omega, 2018.
Maclean, A. M., Butenhoff, C. L., Grayson, J. W., Barsanti, K., Jimenez, J. L, Bertram, A. K. Mixing Times of Organic Molecules within Secondary Organic Aerosol Particles: A Global Planetary Boundary Layer Perspective. Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics,2017.
Bian, Q., Shantanu, J. H., Kodros, J. K., Barsanti, K. C., Hatch, L. E., May, A. A., Kreidenweis, S. M., Pierce, J. R. Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation in Biomass-Burning Plumes: Theoretical Analysis of Lab Studies and Ambient Plumes. Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics,2017.
Barsanti, K. C., J. H. Kroll, J. A. Thornton. Formation of Low-Volatility Organic Compounds in the Atmosphere: Recent Advancements and Insights. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2017. (invited Perspective)
Hatch L. E., Yokelson R. J., Stockwell C. E., Veres, P. R., Simpson, I. J., Blake, D. R., Orlando, J. J., Barsanti K. C. Multi-Instrument Comparison and Compilation of Non-Methane Gas Emissions from Biomass Burning and Implications for Smoke-Derived Secondary Organic Aerosol Precursors. Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics,2017.
Jathar, S. H., Mahmud, A., Barsanti, K. C., Asher, W. E., Panow, J. F., Kleeman, M. J. Water Uptake by Organic Aerosol and Its Influence on Gas/Particle Partitioning of Secondary Organic Aerosol in the United States. Atmospheric Environment, 2016.
- Hodshire, A. L., Lawler, M. J., Zhao, J. Ortega, J., Jen, C., Yli-Juuti, T., Brewer, J. F., Kodros, J. K., Barsanti, K. C., Hanson, D. R., McMurry, P. H., Smith, J. N., Pierce, J. R., Multiple New-Particle Growth Pathways Observed at the US DOE Southern Great Plains Field Site. Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics, 2016
Pankow, J. F., Marks, M. C., Barsanti, K. C., Mahmud, M., Asher, W. E., Li, J. Y., Ying, Q., Jathar, S. H., Kleeman, M. J. Molecular View Modeling of Atmospheric Organic Particulate Matter: Incorporating Molecular Structure and co-Condensation of Water. Atmospheric Environment, 2015.
- Bilde, M., Barsanti, K., Booth, M., Cappa, C., Donahue, N., Emmanuelsson, E., Mc. Figgans, G., Krieger, U., Marcolli, C., …, Riipinen, I. Saturation Vapor Pressures and Enthalpies of Low-Volatility of Organic Molecules of Atmospheric Relevance: From Dicarboxylic Acids to Complex Mixtures. Chemical Reviews, 2015.
Porter, W. C., Rosenstiel, T. N., Guenther, A., Lamarque, J. F., Barsanti, K. C.Reducing the Negative Human-Health Impacts of Bioenergy Crop Emissions through Region-Specific Crop Selection. Environmental Research Letters, 2015.
- Li, J. Y., Cleveland, M. Ziemba, L. D., Griffin, R. J., Barsanti, K. C., Pankow, J. F., Ying, Q. Modeling Regional Secondary Organic Aerosol using the Master Chemical Mechanism, Atmospheric Environment, 2015, 102: 52-61.
- Hatch, L. E., Luo, W., Pankow, J. F., Yokelson, R. J., Stockwell, C. E., Barsanti, K. C. Identification and Quantification of Gaseous Organic Compounds Emitted from Biomass Burning using Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography/Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2015, 4: 1865-1899.
- Fry, J. L, Draper, D. C., Barsanti, K. C., Smith, J. N., Ortega J., Winkler, P. M, Lawler, M. J., Brown, S. S., Edwards, P. M., Cohen, R. C., Lee, L. Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation and Organic Nitrate Yield from NO3 Oxidation of Biogenic Hydrocarbons, Environmental Science & Technology, 2014, 48: 11944-11953.
- Xie, M., Hannnigan, M. P., Barsanti, K. C. Gas/Particle Partitioning of n-Alkanes, PAHs and Oxygenated PAHs in Urban Denver, Atmospheric Environment, 95: 355-362.
- Xie, M., Hannnigan, M. P., Barsanti, K. C. Impact of Gas/Particle Partitioning of Semivolatile Organic Compounds on Source Apportionment with Positive Matrix Factorization, Environmental Science & Technology, 2014,48: 9053-9060.
- Xie, M., Hannigan, M. P., Barsanti, K. Gas/Particle Partitioning of 2-Methyltetrols and Levoglucosan at an Urban Site in Denver, Environmental Science & Technology, 2014, 48: 2835-2842.
- Yli-Juuti, T., Barsanti, K., Hildebrandt-Ruiz, L., Kieloaho, A.J., Makkonen, U., Petäjä, T., Ruuskanen, T., Kulmala, M., Riipinen, I. Model for Acid-Base Chemistry in Nanoparticle Growth (MABNAG). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2013, 13: 12507-12524.
- Barsanti, K. C., Carlton, A. G., Chung, S. H., Analyzing Experimental Data and Model Parameters: Implications for Predictions of SOA in Chemical Transport Models. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2013, 13: 12073-12088.
- Mahmud, A., Barsanti, K. C., Improving the Representation of Secondary Organic Aerosol in the MOZART-4 Global Chemical Transport Model. Geophysical Model Development, 2013, 6: 961-980.
- Xie, M., Barsanti, K. C., Hannigan, M. P. , Dutton, S. J., Vedal, S. Positive Matrix Factorization of PM2.5-Eliminating the Effects of Gas/Particle Partitioning of Semivolatile Organic Compounds. Submitted to Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2013, 13: 7381-7393.
- Winkler, P. M., Ortega, J., Karl, T., Cappelin, L., Friedli, H. R., Barsanti, K. C., McMurry, P. H., Smith, J. N. Identification of the Biogenic Compounds Responsible for Size-Dependent Nanoparticle Growth. Geophysical Research Letters, 2012, DOI: 10.1029/2012GL053253.
- Porter ,W. C., Barsanti K. C., Baughman E. C., Rosenstiel T.N. Considering the Air Quality Impacts of Bioenergy Crop Production: A Case Study Involving Arundo donax. Environmental Science & Technology, 2012, 46: 9777-9784.
- Pankow, J. F., Luo, W., Melnychenko, A. N., Barsanti, K. C., Isabelle, L. M., Chen, C., Guenther, A. B, Rosenstiel, T. N. Volatilizable Biogenic Organic Compounds (VBOCs) with Two Dimensional Gas Chromatography-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (GC×GC-TOFMS): Sampling Methods, VBOC Complexity, and Chromatographic Retention Data. Atmospheric Measurement Technology, 2012, 5: 345-361.
- Barsanti, K. C., Smith, J. N., Pankow, J. F. Application of the np + mP Modeling Approach for Simulating Secondary Organic Particulate Matter Formation from α-Pinene Oxidation. Atmospheric Environment, 2011, 40: 6676-6686.